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Companies USA Companies in the state of Georgia
Cataloxy Atlanta...Companies in AtlantaRestaurant Management & ConsultantsHere To Serve Restaurants

Here To Serve Restaurants

Here to Serve Restaurants has been an established part of the Atlanta dining landscape for the past 20 years. Owner, Chef Tom Catherall, guides our mission and continues to have a hands on approach with each and every concept.

Here To Serve Restaurants operates several dining facilities, including Twist Restaurant, Shout Restaurant, Aja Restaurant & Bar, Lola Bellini Bar & Restaurant, Home Restaurant & Bar, Goldfish Restaurant, Noche Restaurant and Prime Restaurant. It also includes a catering facility, Here to Cater. The company s restaurants serve a variety of salads, desserts, beverages, burgers and tacos. Its restaurants also offer macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes with gravy, and baked and fried chicken. The restaurants menu includes roast beef, candied yams, spaghetti, pork chops, fried shrimp, pizzas, ham and turkey. Some of the locations offer banquet facilities for business meetings, award ceremonies, baby showers, birthday parties, graduations and family reunions. Here To Serve Restaurants has several locations in Atlanta.

Don't forget that the most detailed information about Here To Serve Restaurants in Atlanta you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

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 Address: 2137 Manchester St NE, (Near Northeast Atlanta and Lindridge - Martin Manor)
30324, Atlanta, Georgia

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cantina, chef tom, shout, here to serve restaurants, noche brookhaven, atlanta nightlife, prime, wist, noche vinings
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